Delivery date
To determine the delivery date, it is important to understand the various stages your order goes through, as well as the dispatch and shipping time concepts.
When we receive your order request, we review it to check the compatibility between products (ranges, colours...). Once we can verify that everything is correct, your order gets APPROVED (usually within 1 working day).
As soon as we start preparing your order in the warehouse you will receive an automatic email. At this moment you can check that the status has changed to PROCESSING IN PROGRESS. This is when we carefully handle and package each product so that everything arrives in perfect condition.
Dispatch time corresponds to the period comprised from the order approval to the time this leaves our facilities, which depends on both our team and internal processes. We are committed to working towards keeping it to the possible minimum (5 to 7 working days).
When everything is PREPARED AND READY TO BE SHIPPED, we hand over your order to the transport agency and the order status changes to SHIPPED. We will send you an email where you will find useful information and recommendations about the delivery process.
When we talk about transit/shipping time, we refer to the period that elapses from the time the goods have left our warehouse until they are delivered to the customer.
As we distribute our products all over the world, we work with different transport companies external to Tecrostar. So that you can enjoy your order as soon as possible, we assess the available options and choose the fastest and with the best conditions offered in each case.
We do our best to give you a delivery estimate, but once the goods leave our premises, the shipping time depends solely on the carrier. Please note that there are external factors that may affect the shipping time, such as the geographical location, unforeseen weather conditions or Customs clearance procedures. As an example, transit time for Zone A countries usually varies from 3 to 7 working days.
For approximate shipping times to other countries please contact us.
If you choose the waterproof or RAL personalised colour options, please note that the delivery of your order will take longer as metal parts will need additional treating or painting.